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    Teledyne Leeman Labs Blog

    New Augmented Reality App Brings Chemistry to Life

    Posted by Betsey Seibel on Apr 24, 2017 3:13:05 PM

    Woman using the virtual reality headset.jpegIt was only a matter of time.

    Virtual reality and augmented reality, a.k.a. VR and AR have become increasingly popular with revenue forecasts of $120 billion by 2020. It was only a year ago that the world was taken over by kids walking all over their neighborhoods hunting down and capturing virtual characters on Pokémon GO, a location-based AR game. By the end of February 2017, Pokémon Go had been downloaded more than 650 million times.


    The classroom is an environment that many have thought would benefit greatly from VR and AR. Recently, MyLab, has brought chemistry to the virtual world. MyLab is a touchless, interactive periodic table for chemistry students using Microsoft’s HoloLens headset.


    Why chemistry?


    RoadtoVR.com answered it this way, “For many, hands-on learning is the best way to learn. But you can’t quite go hands-on with particles much smaller than the naked eye can see, nor with their invisible interactions. That’s the heart of chemistry, the tiny interactions and invisible characteristics of elements that make them behave vastly differently. As such, chemistry at the basic level is often taught in concept from books, while simple experiments usually look at the results of chemical interactions in lieu of being able to actually observe the interactions themselves.


    “Augmented reality app MyLab aims to make a connection between the textbook concepts and the observational experiments by offering an interactive periodic table which also visualizes the hidden structures of the elements.”


    HoloLen’s floating AR interface and gesture-based interactions make it easy for students to work with dangerous chemicals without the need of gloves and without contaminating surfaces, computers or mobile technology.


    Watch and listen as MyLab creator Lucas Rizzotto explains how his app is bringing chemistry to life.

    For information on Teledyne Leeman Lab's products that analyze for different elements, contact us

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